
(mis)adventures in software development...

31 January 2017

VoidyBootstrap version 2.1 released

Category Web Development

VoidyBootstrap is a Pelican theme based on Bootstrap 3 that I hacked together when I first started using Pelican, and have been all too sporadically updating since.

Version 2.1 has now been released.

This release is mostly just updates to dependencies (Bootstrap, Font Awesome, etc) and some various minor fixes and tweaks.

The most significant changes are for compatibility with Pelican 3.7 (and 3.6).

I don’t believe any of the changes in this release break backward compatibility, except for a few things related to the default sidebar implementation.

In VoidyBootstrap, the sidebar is optional, and the default is single column mode. The theme allows for an optional sidebar to be configured by using the SIDEBAR option to specify the filename of a Jinja template that will constitute the sidebar contents. A basic sidebar template is included as a starting point, but a custom template can be created and used instead.

For those using the built-in default sidebar, there’s a few things to be aware of if upgrading from version 2.0 to 2.1.

Firstly, there is no longer a tag cloud by default. This is because tag cloud support has been moved from Pelican itself to a plugin in Pelican 3.7. It therefore seemed the most logical option for the theme was to remove the tag cloud, and provide an option to enable it for those who want to configure the tag_cloud plugin. You can of course roll your own tag cloud template and incorporate that into the sidebar (or elsewhere). I’ve provided a tag cloud template in sb_tagcloud.html, which can be incorporated into the default sidebar using the following setting in pelicanconf.py:

CUSTOM_SIDEBAR_MIDDLES = ("sb_links.html", "sb_taglist.html", )

The sb_links.html template fragment is only required if the LINKS setting is being used. Which is the other breaking change in this release: the LINKS setting is now also disabled by default, and can be enabled by incorporating sb_links.html as shown above.

Thanks to everyone who contributed pull requests.

